unexpected large waves

slippery rocks


strong rips or currents

patrolled beach
Esperance is a popular tourism destination, with many visiting to experience the vast coastline. Our aim is to ensure you are aware of the local risks & advocate safe behaviours while exploring the region.
Here’s what you can do to remain safe and aware…
Take note of all beach signage.
Green and red ‘BEN’ signage is found at access points to the beach and contains a unique, identifiable number to help pinpoint your position in an emergency.
- Always carry a mobile phone with you
- Phone 000 in an emergency, and quote your ‘BEN’ signage number to the operator
- Take time to read all other safety signage located at the entrance to the beach, and follow the advice given
It can save lives.
Esperance offers picturesque coastline, but can also present a range of different dangers – many of which can be surprising to our visitors. Over the past ten years, 18 lives have been lost along the Esperance coastline from slipping on black rocks, taking selfies or wearing inappropriate footwear, rock fishing and other tragic events (these include shark attacks and motor accidents).
Know the local hazards, and if you see someone heading towards a dangerous area on the rocks, or doing something that may cause harm, say or do something,
it just could save their lives.
Stay off the black rocks
A black algae grows on coastal rocks along the WA south east coast. It is very slippery when wet. Stay back from these blackened rocks near the high tide mark and avoid walking on at all times.
If you see someone walking along the black rocks, say something, it just may save their life.
Check out
this message
from Coastal Safety Stanley.
Large waves can occur at any time, with no warning. Never turn your back to the ocean. If you get washed off the rocks, stay calm and swim away from the hazard.
Rips can be difficult to see but can be identified in the following ways. Look out for deeper, dark-coloured water, fewer breaking waves, and or a rippled surface surrounded by smooth waters.
Rips dont always show all of these signs at once.
You can escape a rip by knowing your options: Stay calm, raise an arm to seek help, float with the current until it releases you, swim parallel to the shore or towards breaking waves so you can use them to help you back to the shore.
be prepared & take the right gear
Always wear a life jacket.
If you don’t have one, you can borrow one for free from the following locations:
- Tatey’s Fishing World (Norseman Road)
- Southern Sports & Tackle (Boulevard Shopping Centre)
- Down to Earth – Adventure & Camping (Dempster Street)
- Esperance Diving & Fishing (The Esplanade)
- Duke of Orleans Bay Caravan Park (Wharton Rd, Condingup)
Always tie off on rock bolts.
Rope can also be obtained free of charge from the above fishing outlets.
Swimming safely in Esperance
Twilight Beach lies 7km (seven beaches) west of Esperance. Patrols at Twilight Beach run every Sunday from the beginning of December to end of March from 9:00am – 3pm, and during the Summer Public Holidays.
Always swim between the red and yellow flags.
Esperance has a variety of family friendly beach options. There is a beach enclosure and lap pontoon located at the Whale Tail on the Esplanade. Or swim in the ocean lagoons. When the tides are right, they’re perfect for a swim, as the water is usually calm and shallow. Many of these lagoons can be found along the Great Ocean Drive.